Select an option below to discover innovative technologies to help improve productivity, cost, quality, safety, and social distancing in your operations.
Carry Handles
Scotch® BoxSealing Tapes
7000r HS (AGV)
8000af AG3
Flap Folding
8000a T-Table
Adjustable Case Forming
Small Boxes
Combi - Ergopack™
Case Erector
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Average figures based on assumption of 500 total boxes per day taped manually by 2 staff switching to a 3M-Matic Adjustable Case Sealer a88 machine. Calculate your own cost savings using our tool here.
- 7000r Self-Adjusting
- 8000af AG3 Flap Folding
- 8000a T-Table Case Forming
- 800asb Small Boxes
- Combi - Ergopack™ Case Erector
- Scotch® Box Sealing Tapes
- Carry Handles
Box Size Adjustability
Manual | Automatic
Box-Flap Closing
Manual | Automatic
Carbon Steel | Stainless

Manual | Automatic

Manual | Automatic

Carbon Steel | Stainless
Model Number
Clear filtering